Film Screening at Geography Department on 09 June 2022: “Natura Urbana: The Brachen of Berlin”

The Brachen of Berlin are unique. Emerging from war-time destruction, economic malaise, and geo-political division, these ostensibly empty sites evolved into laboratories for botanists, artists, and ordinary people seeking respite from the city. Today, however, these unusual spaces are fast disappearing. Natura Urbana explores the spontaneous diversity of plants in these spaces to illuminate the city’s complex history through the post-war period until the contemporary era.
Following Prof. Dr. Sandra Jasper’s talk on “Wastelands as experimental fields: a journey through Berlin“, the documentary will be shown in the Senatssaal (NatFak, 7th floor). The talk will start at 16:15. After a little break, the movie (produced by Matthew Gandy and Sandra Jasper in 2017) will begin at 17:30. Everyone interested is welcome to join us for dinner after the movie (at one’s own expenses).
Photo credits: Natura Urbana (Gandy/Jasper)