About me:
I studied Anthropology in Heidelberg and Jerusalem, and did my PhD in 2016 on social memory at the Department of Cultural Anthropology at the Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands. As a post-doctoral researcher in the Department for Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam I worked with digital methods to examine the online circulation of knowledge about psychoactive drugs. In October 2016 I joined Julia’s team at the Geography Department of the University of Bonn where I worked as a research assistant and lecturer until spring 2021, when I moved to JGU Mainz with her. Here, I continued to work on human-nature-technology relations in Germany and the Indian Ocean, with a specific focus on the different relations between humans and phelsuma day geckos. Currently I’m preparing a new research project on human-nature-technology relations in the Arava Desert in Israel. I’m also processing my research experiences artistically. My debut novel, a hopeful dystopian story including turtles and lizards, set in the future Gulf of Aqaba, will appear in fall 2022 with Wortschatten Verlag. My short stories have appeared in various German magazines, and are currently nominated for two German Sci-Fi awards. I also explore human-nature relations in the desert through paintings (www.lkarava.com).
Institute of Geography
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
55099 Mainz
E-Mail: likrieg@uni-mainz.de
Research Interests:
Maritime Geographies/Anthropologies, Posthumanisms, Memory Studies, multispecies studies, environmental humanities, extinction studies, Island Studies, nature/species conservation; Western Indian Ocean, Germany, Israel
Research Projects:
“Gecko Translocality. The negotiation of social and ecological value in human-animal relations between Germany and the Indian Ocean” funded by the DFG 2018-2022.
Publications (Selection):
Krieg, Lisa J. 2022. When Gecko Tails Travel from Island Forests to Laboratories: From Materiality to Information in Scientific Cargo, In: Burkhard Schnepel und Julia Verne (eds), Cargoes: The Materiality of Connectivity in Motion Across the Indian Ocean. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press. 233-250.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2020. On gecko gardens and giant tortoises: extinction, restoration, and more-than-human infrastructures in the Mascarenes. In: Society & Space Forum. Ecologizing Infrastructure: Infrastructural Ecologies @https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/on-gecko-gardens-and-giant-tortoises-extinction-restoration-and-more-than-human-infrastructures-in-the-mascarenes
Krieg, Lisa J., Maan Barua, und Josh Fisher 2020. Ecologizing Infrastructure: Infrastructural Ecologies. Introduction to the Forum in Society & Space
Poerting, Julia, Julia Verne und Lisa J. Krieg 2020. Gefährliche Begegnungen. Posthumanistische Ansätze in der technologischen Neuaushandlung des Zusammenlebens von Mensch und Wildtier. Geographische Zeitschrift 108 (3): 153-175.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2020. Endangered, invasive, pet, commodity. Gecko circulations and value transformation in the Western Indian Ocean. Global Environment 13 (1): 195-223.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2020 Caring for strangers. Alterity, alliances, and reptile conservation in the “gecko garden refuges” in Manapany-les-Bains, La Réunion. Geographische Zeitschrift 108 (3): 176-196.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2018. Entangling (non)human isolation and connectivity: island nature conservation on Ile aux Aigrettes, Mauritius. Island Studies Journal 13(2): 55-70.
Krieg, Lisa J., Berning, M., & Hardon, A. 2017. Anthropology with algorithms? An exploration of online drug knowledge using digital methods. Medicine Anthropology Theory, 4(3): 21–52.
Dijkstra, Louis J. and Krieg, Lisa J. 2016. From MDMA to Lady Gaga: Expertise and Contribution Behavior of Editing Communities on Wikipedia. Procedia Computer Science 101: 96–106.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2016. ‘It was horrible, but we live now’ – The experience of young German adults in everyday encounters with the Holocaust. In Focaal Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology (74): 97-110.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2015. ‘It’s a real Totschlag-Argument’ – The attribution of agency to the Holocaust among contemporary young German adults in a discourse of remembering and forgetting. In Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale 23(3): 314-329.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2015. „Who wants to be sad over and over again?“ – Emotion Ideologies in Contemporary German Holocaust Education. In Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 7(2): 110-128.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2012. A Fight for Countermemory and Counteridentity: The Alternative Ceremony of Independence Day in Israel. In Kroeber Anthropological Society 101(1): 33-48.
Fiction/Short stories
Krieg, Lisa J. (forthcoming). Ranya’s crash. In: “Life Beyond Us“, Julie Novakova & European Astrobiology Institute (eds.).
Krieg, Lisa J. 2022. Die gläserne Tochter. Queer*welten 7.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2022. Das Vulkanium oder Vorläufige Ausführungen zur vulkanologischen Reptilien- und Amphibienkunde. Phantastisch! Magazin 85.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2021. Notizen zur Beobachtung von Schildkröten nach einer Bruchlandung. Kurzgeschichte in Exodus Magazin Ausgabe 42.
Nominiert für den Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis 2022.
Nominiert für den Deutschen Science-Fiction Preis 2022.
Krieg, Lisa J. 2020. Ranya stürzt ab. https://deutsche-science-fiction.de/?p=5471.
Übersetzt nach Marathi und abgedruckt im Journal Kelyane Bhashantar.
Longlist des Kurd-Laßwitz-Preises 2021.
Activities (Selection):
- 11/2021 Invited speaker: Ecological Speculation. Art, paleontology, and nature conservation in the Western Indian Ocean
- Seminar series, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, HU Jerusalem
- 05/2021 The Secrets of Extreme Survivors. Human-desert plant relations in the Arava, Conference of the Israeli Anthropological Association, Zoom
- 04/2021 Invited speaker: Interview with a gecko? Challenges of multispecies ethnography and contemporary human-animal research (עברית)
- Guest lecture in the MA course “The Politics of Nature”, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Liron Shani
- 10/2020 Invited speaker: New approaches to nature conservation. The gecko gardens of La Reunion, AICAT workshop, Dead Sea & Arava Science Center, Hatzeva
- 01/2020 Extinction, restoration, and more-than-human infrastructures in the Mascarenes. On gecko bridges and tortoise transport
- New Cultural Geography Meeting, University of Bonn
- 12/2019 Measuring reptiles with digital technologies. On animal bodies, visibility, and temporality, Digitized Natures Workshop, Bonn University
- 11/2019 Invited speaker: The social life of measurements: care, violence, and technologies for measuring reptiles, Bremen Naturecultures Lab
- 11/2019 Invited speaker: Interview with a gecko? Challenges of multispecies ethnographies, Lecture series, Department for Cultural Anthropology, Bonn
- 11/2019 Reptilien und Naturschutz auf den Maskarenen, (Reptiles and nature conservation on the Mascarenes), German Herpetological Association Bonn
- 10/2019 Hubs, cargo, or container? Travelling with gecko tail-tips from island forests to laboratories, Conference: Cargoes. The Materiality of Connectivity in Motion Across the Indian Ocean, Berlin
- 09/2019 Measuring geckos and tortoises in the Indian Ocean. On love, violence, and the ambivalent care of ecologists
- Conference of the German Anthropological Association, Konstanz
- 09/2019 Making new citizens, slowly. Giant tortoise rewilding in the Indian Ocean, Workshop: Emigrating Animals and Migratory Humans: Belonging, Prosperity and Security in More-Than-Human World, Prague
- 01/2019 The politics of caring for strangers. Gecko-friendly gardens in Manapany-les-Bains, La Réunion, New Cultural Geography Meeting, Eichstätt
- 10/2018 Gecko circulations, species becomings, and value transformation in Europe and the Western Indian Ocean between the 19th and the 20th century: the Phelsuma day gecko in science, terraristics, and nature conservation
- Workshop: Migrations, Crossings, Unintended Destinations: Ecological Transfers across the Indian Ocean 1850-1920, Rachel-Carson-Center, Munich
- 08/2018 Caring for nature by treading lightly. The story of a man on a mountain
- European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference, Stockholm
- 08/2018 Forests and oceans as spaces of transgression: where species meet or separate, (Un)Common Worlds – Human-Animal-Studies Conference, Turku
- 12/2017 Zurück in die Zukunft? Restauration von Insel Ökosystemen in Mauritius, (Back to the future? Restoration of island ecosystems on Mauritius) Dies Academicus, Bonn University
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