About me
I joined the Cultural Geography research group in November 2024. I work and teach in the areas of health geographies, economic geography and science and technology studies. Previously, I was a research associate at the Department of Human Geography at Goethe University (2018–2024) where I concluded my PhD research on the development of global health as a political field and foreign issue and the changes brought about by the Covid pandemic in Germany. I studied International Relations (M.A.) at the University of Birmingham and Political Science and Geography (B.A.) at Goethe-University Frankfurt.
Institute of Geography
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
55099 Mainz
Room: 02-162
E-Mail: m.linden@uni-mainz.de
Research Interests
Restructurings, Socio-Material Relations, Inequalities, and Theory
Research Projects
My PhD research analysed the formation, consolidation and variation of global health as a political field in foreign policy in Germany. From an ethnography in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I conceptualised a global health–foreign policy assemblage to demonstrate these developments, particularly the changes Covid-19 caused to this arrangement.
Bartl, G., Hardt, J. N., Suttner, S., Linden, M., Ventura, R. A., Vogler, A., … & Melcher, F. (2024) Rethinking Governance in Times of Multiple Crises, in: Vigoni Papers 2023, 5, 1-23.
Linden, M. & van de Pas, R. (2024) The Political Determinants of Health – 10 Years On. International Health Policies Blog. https://www.internationalhealthpolicies.org/featured-article/the-political-determinants-of-health-10-years-on/.
Linden, M. (2022). Review of Kevin Hall (2021) Viren im Blick. Überwachung und Sichtbarkeit der Influenza in Deutschland (Campus Verlag), in: Newsletter AK MedGeo 2022, 7, 9-10.
Linden, M. (2020) Auswirkungen der Pandemie: Gesundheitskrise, Ökonomie und Ungleichheit, in: Geographica Helvetica 75, 3, 307-313. https://doi.org/10.5194/gh-75-307-2020.
Linden, M. (2020) Globale Gesundheitspolitik und Ökonomie. Ein Beitrag zur Reihe “Sicherheit in der Krise.” Soziopolis. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-81968-1.
29.08.2024: “The global health assemblage in Germany and Covid-19: crisis, power and instability in policy decision-making”. Royal Geographical Society (with Institute for British Geographers) Annual Conference, 27.–30.08.2024, London, England.
Feb.–Mar. 2024: Visiting Researcher, Brocher Foundation Geneva, Switzerland.
22.09.2023: „Globale Gesundheit regierbar machen? Politische Umgangsweisen zwischen Krisenintervention und nachhaltiger Planung“ [Making global health governable? Political processes between crisis intervention and sustainable planning]. German Congress for Geography 2023: Planetary Futures, 19.-23.09.2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
16.09.2023: „Global health security after COVID-19: Pandemic preparedness, security and economics”. Global Health Summer School and Conference IPPNW & medico, 16.09.2023, Berlin, Germany.
27.01.2023: „Zeit, Temperatur, Impfstoff: Die sozio-technischen Herausforderungen der COVID-Impfstoffspenden“ [Time, temperature, vaccines: the socio-technical challenges to COVID vaccine donations]. Neue Kulturgeographie, 26.-28.01.2023, Halle (Saale), Germany.
23.09.2022: „Gesundheitssicherheit, Gesundheitsschutz und Pandemic Preparedness“ [Health security, health protection and pandemic preparedness]. Annual Meeting Arbeitskreis Medizinische Geographie und Geographische Gesundheitsforschung, 22.-24.09.2022, Bonn, Germany.
10.06.2022: „Critical Logistics: Vaccine stockpiles, donations and their missing links“. Global Conference on Economic Geography, 7.-10.06.2022, Dublin, Ireland.
08.10.2021: „Gesundheitsschutz oder Gesundheitssicherheit? Rationalitäten und Praktiken der globalen Gesundheit“ [Health protection or health security? Rationalities and practices of global health]. #GeoWoche2021 (virtual conference German geographical society), 05.-09.10.2021 (online).
19.08.2020: “Securitizing Global Health – Global Health Politics Between Preparedness, Security and Economy”. Joint Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, 18.-21.08.2020, virtually in Prague, Czech Republic.
08.07.2020: “Globale Gesundheitspolitik zwischen ökonomischer Rationalität und Regieren im Ausnahmezustand” [Global health politics between economic rationality and governing in a state of exception] (with Peter Lindner). Online Symposium: COVID-19 als Zäsur? Geographische Perspektiven auf Räume, Gesellschaften und Technologien in der Pandemie [COVID-19 as a caesura? Geographical perspectives on spaces, societies and technologies in the pandemic], 06.-08.07.2020 (online).
29.09.2019: “Financial Literacy as Empowerment? The OECD and its promotion of financial literacy for women as a form of coordination between states and markets”. German Congress for Geography 2019, 25.-30.09.2019, Kiel, Germany.
Winter Term 2024/25
- M11/M9ED Exkursion mit Vorbereitungsseminar: Europäische Grenzregionen (BSc Geographie, MEd Geographie)
Prior teaching at Goethe University Frankfurt:
- Qualitative methods: Viruses, dust and heat. Qualitative analysis on health and air (with Till Straube)
- Seminar: Debt crisis in the Global South? Perspectives on the international debt architecture (with Ilja Fragin, winter 2023/24)
- Seminar: Geographies of health / Health Geographies (summer 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Seminar and field trip: Birmingham – Britain after Brexit (summer 2020, 2023)
- Seminar: Economic geographical perspectives on crises (summer 2020, 2019)
- Colloquium: Research seminar BA thesis (summer 2020, winter 2020/21, winter 2021/22, summer 2022)
- Reading seminar: Corona, Crises, and the New Economics of Global Health (winter 2020/21)