Laura Müller hat sich in ihrer Masterarbeit mit einem Wohnbauprojekt auf Sansibar auseinandergesetzt und berichtet hier von ihrem fünfwöchigen Forschungsaufenthalt vor Ort. Sansibar (Stadt) erlebt seit den […]
Working for the DFG-funded research project “Shelter technologies in Action”, Astrid Matejcek is currently undertaking field research and providing us with insights into the intricate logistical […]
Vom 29.09.-13.10.2023 waren wir mit 24 Studierenden in Tansania. Der thematische Schwerpunkt der Exkursion lag auf der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Formen von Nord-Süd-Beziehungen. Zugleich war die Exkursion eingebettet in aktuelle […]
Marc Belling hat im Rahmen der Kooperation zwischen dem Geographischen Institut der JGU (Prof. Dr. Julia Verne) und der University of Richmond (Prof. Dr. Sandra Joireman) vergangenen Herbst ein […]
On November 21st, 2023, the students of the M5 “Social Media and Disasters” course (MA, led by Everjoy Chiimba) pioneered the first phase of the trial […]
From November 23rd to 24th, 2023, roughly 50 junior and senior researchers in the field of digitization and space gathered for the two-day conference “Digital Disruptions” […]
As part of the university-wide lecture series “Voices for Climate” at JGU Mainz, our team member Sandra Petermann delivered a presentation on the (im)possibilities of green […]
From October 30th to November 3rd, 2023, Everjoy Grace Chiimba and Rupa Rupa attended the Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS) Conference hosted at the […]
After a forced break due to Covid-19, the 62nd German Congress of Geography took place in Frankfurt/Main from 20th to the 23rd of September 2023 after […]