Laura Müller hat sich in ihrer Masterarbeit mit einem Wohnbauprojekt auf Sansibar auseinandergesetzt und berichtet hier von ihrem fünfwöchigen Forschungsaufenthalt vor Ort. Sansibar (Stadt) erlebt seit den […]
Working for the DFG-funded research project “Shelter technologies in Action”, Astrid Matejcek is currently undertaking field research and providing us with insights into the intricate logistical […]
In October 2022, Malve Jacobsen went to Paris – a European metropolitan area with high air pollution, on the one hand, and various initiatives to combat air […]
At the end of August, the 3rd summit of the MicroFrancophonie took place from 26 to 28 August 2022 on the French Atlantic coast in the Principauté d’Hélianthis, situated in Blaye (see here […]
“Die Krankheit der Reichen und Weißen” Anfang Februar ging es für mich das vierte Mal nach Tansania, um dort für meine Doktorarbeit im Rahmen des Projektes […]
As a student assistant of the CRC, Astrid Matejcek wanted to find out more about the current dynamics in the Kilombero Valley, one of our three main study regions. […]
‘Fieldwork’ is something that my friends and colleagues in academia have always talked about enthusiastically, whether it’s related to experiencing new places and people for data […]