Nach langem Zittern und Bangen, ob die Exkursion angesichts der ungewissen Coronasituation in Südfrankreich stattfinden kann, trafen wir (Lara Christmann und Sandra Petermann) Anfang März die […]
As part of the partnership on “Appraising risk, past and present” , the Indian Ocean World Centre at McGill University hosted an online conference from the […]
Im Rahmen des Moduls „Spezielle Humangeographie: Das Fahrrad in der Stadt- Kulturen, Politiken, Techologien“ waren Anfang Februar 27 Studierende unter der Leitung von Dr. Malve Jacobsen […]
Neben Metropolen wie Berlin, London und Paris hat Bonn eher den Charakter eines Geheimtipps unter den bekannten Hauptstädten. Dennoch geht beispielsweise unser aktuelles Grundgesetz auf die […]
After many years of informal collaboration between our working group and scholars at the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), we are currently working on the institutionalisation […]
For more than fifteen years, Julia Verne has been actively involved in different research networks focusing on Indian Ocean Studies. After spending time as a visiting […]
Over the last two decades, a number of cyclones and tropical storms have hit Zimbabwe with devastating effects. Expecting these events to happen even more frequently […]
Against the backdrop of food security and supposedly untapped agricultural potential in Africa, international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) remain important intermediaries for the transfer of agricultural science […]
Together with Burkhard Schnepel (Anthropology, Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg), Julia Verne has edited an innovative collection of essays that foregrounds specific cargoes as a means to […]